About Cleanest Lets!!

May I introduce myself? I'm Simon Wootton! I own a holiday let in lovely Scarborough. My first year of letting was challenging and also rewarding. Some things were set up perfectly but other areas need improving so guests get the most out of their stay and wish to return.

I can improve the cleaning offered to holiday-let owners! It is one of the most important elements of any let and must be right. Most negative feedback on holiday let sites refers to poor cleanliness. This is where I am hoping to come in.

I'm setting up a holiday let cleaning business. A local, family-run, customer-led business and I'd like you to rethink your current arrangements and contact me.

As a holiday let owner, I'm frustrated with poor levels of support - wrong parking tickets being left out, wrong number of towels, lack of toilet rolls, things that should be simple but - if not done correctly - create a poor impression.

If you share my frustration, get in touch to discuss your cleaning needs. I understand the importance of cleanliness and making sure guests get the best possible experience from the minute that they enter your property.

Let me help you gain the best possible feedback!!

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